
Hello da Bloggers:

It's me da J Girl

Follow me to step in my little J world.

Monday, February 6, 2012


: (

Feeling bad
You told many things to someone else
its not me
I don't care this actually
but i feel you're talk less to me
more to someone else
I just like the one who disturb you both

Im not blaming you
Just feel that im FAIL
I can't even become a good friend
I shouldn't let you see this.

Just an emo  post
feeling bad and wanna write out something

Im FAIL right? 

And I just realize that

: (



  1. I'm going to comment in English, so you have to look up the dictionary a lot, hehehe... xD
    You might be facing a trial in your life, (make sure to look up the word 'trial' in your dictionary, even if you know the meaning. Look at the *English* definition of 'trial'). Two main needs will appeal to you when facing a trial. One, the need for understanding(the source of the problem) and Two, the need for healing(to feel better after facing the problem). But only by understanding the roots of your problem then you can solve the problem. The thing is, trials are good for you :) They reveal who you really are, the TRUE you. We don't like it, because it reveals the worst of us, and we really do not like that. Truth is, God allows such trials in your life so that you can understand yourself better. When you face a trial, your shortcomings and weaknesses will suddenly surface and become clear to you. In that sense, you can reflect about the shortcomings and weaknesses, think about them thoroughly, and improve yourself, so that you may be a better person and serve Him better.
    Hope you can stay strong.
    With love from Christ. ^w^

  2. Thank You BRIAN :)
    And I'll stay strong with the love from Christ :D




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